Monday, March 29, 2010

More Naina Rang Chade

It was a friday when early morning I left for nsd for some work and met my friends and got an invitation for the play more naina rang chade. The invitation was a treat for me but unfortunately I had to leave for work for the rest of the day. I took the invitation and left from there. On the way to studio I read the details of the play. I was excited to watch it as I am a graduate in literature and the play was an adaptation of 'A Midsummer Nights Dream' by Shakespeare. The play was directed by Satyavrit Rawat and was performed by the students of Bharatendu Natya Akademy . But what came to my surprise was a name written below saying :'NATYA RUPANTER- Kuldeep Kunal'.

My excitement doubled as I have worked with him as his student and now was the chance to see his work on the stage of NSD.I recalled the time when i was preparing for NSD and he helped me being all calm and composed to face the challenges.I wanted to see the treatment he has given to the play through his writings.

After a few hours of work I was allowed to go for the play. The moment I entered the audi I was away from the rest of the world. As the show started the lights were off and the stage was the only place having colors ,lights and life. Rest of the audi was completely silent to know what the stortellers have to say today.

The play revolved around three couples who were running around each other in the name of finding true love. The story became interesting when a clown faced man came on stage.He was given the responsibility to bring the right partners together and a situation of misunderstanding was created because of him amongst the six of them and how this clown faced man was again sent by the king to resolve the mystery and to get back all the couples with their right partners.

The fictional part of using the juice of flower to attract anyone towards his/her partner made me actually wonder if such things would have been possible in world, life would have been so easy :) but thats the fun of ficton. It makes you wonder about things which are not possible in this real world but are possible in the imagination. Your acting, lights, stage, and vision takes you outside this world of reality for sometime to see what you want to see.

So for the play the title worked- more naina rang chade.. Though there were some technical faults as in case of lights- one part of stage which was not in use but took some time to switch off the lights of unused stage,left the audience confused for a few seconds. But otherwise from set design to music to acting and direction..the adaptation was a success in spreading its colour on the audience.

It was another play which came and went. Left so many feelings behind in me to share on this plateform. Later I saw the actors off stage and they were so different from what they were playing on stage. Same people playing so many roles in just a small period of time kept me occupied for the rest of the night. :)


  1. Shakespeare is everybody's fav....Midsummer night's dream is one of the best play's my favourite play...n i alwys wondered how one could show this play on stage....!! "More naina rang chadhe" answered me(tho i stil wanna knw hw englishmen do it)...minus d technical flaws the play was so wel translated into hindi...d verses were beautiful--m sure if shakespeare understands hindi-he'd b mr thn happy...the contemporary punches at 1 or 2 plces wer cool ws jst amazin to see the complete transformation of colloquial english into shudh hindi..!!

    i knw not many people liked the play but i loved it... good memories--add on :)
    n as u said--d actors looked so different off stage...playing role of their life... "All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players"

  2. Im coming for the next paly...

  3. @rohini : yup it was so much fun !!! n adding on some more memories added to our list :)
    @shipra : for sure dinext time pakka... ;)
